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Advisor Position-Specific Training

Venturing Advisor Position-Specific Training provides an introduction to the responsibilities, opportunities, and resources that will ensure a successful Venturing Crew leadership experience. This is for adults only and can be taught in conjunction with the Crew Committee Challenge. Upon completion of the course, the training code P21 can be entered into the leader's training record. Crew Advisors and Associate Advisors who complete this training and the Venturing version of Youth Protection Training are considered 'trained'.


Who teaches it? More experience unit adult leaders. Some Councils will offer a Council-wide course to consolidate resources.

Who takes it? Advisors that are new to the program or their position. 

What do they learn? The nature, specifics, and challenges of the program, recognition opportunities & the annual program planning process.

When does it take place? As often as necessary.

Training Code (for BSA records): P21

Click here to download the syllabus for this training course

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