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Core Award Required

Training for youth

Goal Setting & Time Management
Project Management
Mentoring For Venturing


This training provides increased awareness of time management strategies, an examination of how time is spent, a model of prioritization, the importance of the planning tool, and how to perform work in a timely manner.



This training provides an understanding of project management and the tools, techniques, and templates to effectively work on a project. Outlined in this document are steps that will enable you and your project team to plan and manage a project from concept to conclusion; in this process, you'll meet everyone's expectations. The document will start by providing a basic understanding of project management concepts, and then in plain everyday words, explain how a project manager and team can effectively: define the project, organize the work, create a plan, and work the plan to a successful conclusion.



This training provides an opportunity to evaluate mentoring as it relates to the Venturing program, explain the benefits of mentoring, describe how to maintain a quality mentoring relationship, outline the evolution of a mentoring relationship, and model effective mentoring skills utilizing a learning conversation.

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