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The Kodiak Challenge puts basic leadership training to the test in a six-day (or 2-weekend) trek-oriented course. Because of its trek-oriented nature, Kodiak Challenge can be incorporated into a long-term high adventure trip by a Crew or Council. It is not intended to be offered in a camp-based retreat format. Participants cover five basic leadership concepts throughout the course: values and vision, effective teams, communication, decision making, and planning.


Who teaches it? Older/more experience unit youth leaders. Some Councils will offer a Council-wide course to consolidate resources.

Who takes it? Unit youth that has taken ILSC (not required, recommended) and are ready for an additional leadership challenge.

What do they learn? Experience in values and vision, effective teams, communication, decision making, and planning.

When does it take place? Usually once per year, depending on the Crew or Council resources.

Training Code (for BSA records): P33

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