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Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews/Troops/Ships provides basic leadership training for youth in Venturing Crews (ILSC) Scouts BSA Troops (ILST), and Sea Scout Ships (ILSS). The course is delivered by the unit's older or more experienced youth for youth that has been newly selected for unit leadership positions. Youth are introduced to the skills and tools they can use to implement their vision as a youth unit leader. The course can be offered as a day-long, weekend, or Crew-meeting format. Some Councils offer the program through a Council leadership team, to consolidate resources. 


Who teaches it? Older/more experience unit youth leaders. Some Councils will offer a Council-wide course to consolidate resources.

Who takes it? Unit youth that has been recently selected for unit leadership positions, ideally before taking office.

What do they learn? Basic leadership skills and tools.

When does it take place? Usually once per year, just before youth officers change positions. 

Training Code (for BSA records): P35


After successfully completing the ILSC course, graduates receive the 'Trained' patch to place on the bottom of the left shirt sleeve, beneath the position patch.

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