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Area 3 Officers and Advisors


Vice President Administration

Vice President Program

Vice President Communications

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Gavin Hart - A3.png

Gavin is from Five Rivers Council in Dansville, NY. He most recently served as the Area 3 VOA Vice President of Program. 
Joining Scouting as a Cub, Gavin has staffed NYLT and is working to complete his Eagle Scout. Gavin is a rising junior at Dansville Central School and is a 3 sport scholar athlete, playing football, wrestling, and tennis! This term, he looks forward to leading the adventure in Area 3 and cannot wait to see you in-person at eVent this spring!

Gavin Hart

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nicolas luciani.jpg

Nicolas is from Longhouse Council in Watertown, NY. He most recently served as the Longhouse Council VOA Vice President of Communication He is an Eagle Scout and staffed the Kodiak Challenge. In his summers, he staffs Sabattis Scout Reservation. 
Nicholas is a rising freshman at Rochester Institute of Technology majoring in Computer Sciences. He looks forward to an amazing term with Area 3 VOA!

Nicholas Luciano


Olivia is from the Five Rivers Council in Elmira, NY. She most recently served as Venturing Crew 2026 President.
Olivia staffs at Camp Gorton during her summers and is a rising freshman at Elmira College majoring in business and marketing. Olivia is excited to work with the Area 3 VOA and is excited to plan eVent and hopes to see you there!

Olivia Volino

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Kylie Simkins - A3.JPG

Kylie is from Greater Niagara Frontier Council in Buffalo. She is returning to Area 3 VOA as Vice President of Communications. Prior to joining the Area she was the Greater Niagara Frontier Council VOA President. 
Kylie has earned her Pathfinder award, the Council and Area level Venturing Leadership Award, and a Brotherhood Honor member of the Order of the Arrow. Kylie has staffed NYLT and works at Scouthaven Cub Scout Camp as the Activities Director. She is a rising freshman at Alfred University majoring in Ceramic Engineering.

Kylie Simkins


Associate Advisor Administration

Associate Advisor Program

Associate Advisor Communications

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Sara Gray - A3.JPG

Sara is from Twin Rivers Council in Albany, NY. She most recently served as the Twin Rivers Council Venturing Committee Chair. 
As a youth, Sara earned her Girl Scout  Silver Award. Since then, she has served as a Den Leader, Cubmaster, District Advancement Committee Chair, Scouts BSA Scoutmaster, and Venturing Crew Advisor. Sara was awarded the District Award of Merit, Council VLA, NER3 VLA and the Silver Beaver Award for her service to Scouting.

Sara Gray


Bio coming soon!

Steve Wheeler


Bio coming soon!

Tom Hodge

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Paul - A3.JPG

Bio coming soon!

Paul Kendzierski

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