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Area 4 Officers and Advisors


Vice President Administration

Vice President Program

Vice President Communications

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Maeve Callahan - A4.JPG

Bio coming soon!

Maeve Callahan


This position is currently vacant.


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Kaitlyn Bishop.jpeg

Kaitlyn is from Chief Cornplanter Council in Warren, PA. Most recently she served as an Area 4 VOA Cabinet Member.
Kaitlyn has earned her Discovery Award and Outstanding Shooting Sports Award and is working on her Pathfinder Award and Ranger Awards. This term she hopes to help establish Cluster CVOAs throughout her area, help promote program/training and recruit more scouts into both the Venturing program and the Area 4 VOA team. 

Kaitlyn Bishop

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alex omlor.JPG

Alex Omlor Joined Venturing at age 16. He joined to get the most out of his Scouting Career. Alex Is an Eagle Scout from Laurel Highlands Council and is currently surviving as VP of Administration for his home Crew, Crew 1912. Alex leads his Crew on campouts and is in planning service projects. Alex is currently working on Earning his Pathfinder Award and one day hopes to earn his Summit Award and his Ranger Award. Alex is in the OA and has his Brotherhood.

Alex Omlor


Associate Advisor Administration

Associate Advisor Program

Associate Advisor Communications

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Bonnie Hubauer - A4.JPG

Bonnie is from French Creek Council.  Prior to becoming Area 4 Advisor she has served as a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Committee Chair, her Council’s Venturing Advisor and NER Area 4 Associate Advisor.  Bonnie is an OA Vigil member, and has received The Bronze Pelican, The Silver Beaver Award, Area VLA, and Region VLA.  She is a member of her District and Council Training Committee and is a past Wood Badge Course Director.

Bonnie Hubauer

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Ethan Dixon - A4.JPG

Bio coming soon!

Ethan Dixon


Bio coming soon!

Steve Smith


Bio coming soon!

Trevor Reed

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