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National Trail Mix Day!

As a Scout, I can vouch for the pure elegance that trail mix adds to the average hike. A handful can easily be tossed into your mouth for enjoyment as you continue your hike.

Okay. Trail mix might not be the most elegant treat but it definitely has its perks! While hiking you can enjoy a great snack, get some protein, and/or nutrients all without stopping.

The best part about trail mix is its customization. Don’t like nuts? No problem. Love M&M’s? The more the merrier! Each person is able to make their own just the way they want.

Making your trail mix is almost as easy as eating it! Just grab a handful or two of each of your favorite tasty treats, and mix them together in whatever container you wish to enjoy your mix from. I challenge you to have a trail mix contest with your family!


Challenge yourself to make a new trail-worthy snack that you can bring on your future adventures. In the comments below share your favorite creation or mix-in!

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Sep 11, 2020

I always love when the scouts plan a make your own trail mix activity before a hike. It’s always interesting to see what they choose to mix and who has what taste buds for only sweet, a mix of sweet and salty, and who goes completely healthy! I am a sweet and salty and like both crunch and chew to be represented in my trail mix.

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