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Advisors Minute -  Don’t Let Opportunity Pass You By

Fellow Venturer’s:

During the fall of 1973, the musical group “Seals and Crofts” performed “We May Never Pass This Way Again”. ( It is a great tune and even though the words were meant to reflect a religious purpose, I always took it to mean that we should always get the most out of life in the here and now, rather than missing the opportunity…and having regrets.

As Venturer’s in the Northeast Region, you have an amazing amount of opportunities provided to you by the Boy Scouts of America. There are leadership positions available to you at your Crew, Council, Area and Region; a plethora of training opportunities (ILSC, NYLT, NAYLE, Leadership Academy as well as Tread Lightly); a new advancement program that promotes career developing skills as well as a greater appreciation for community service; and an amazing amount of fun filled adventures.

So, before time passes you by, embrace these opportunities for growth and adventure…and while you are at it, recruit a couple of your friends to join you on your journey. As you get older, there are a number of other responsibilities that will prevent this from happening. Afterall, “Time Will Never Pass This Way Again”.

Mr. Bob Koch, NER Associate Advisor for Program

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