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Improving the Venturing Program within the Northeast Region

This Summer the Northeast Region venturing Officers' Association chose to focus on conducting research and performing analysis on how to better orient the Venturing Program within the Northeast Region toward the interests of the youth that we serve.

We are happy to announce that our analysis is complete and ready for your viewing!

To view the full report, as well as our report summary, please click HERE.

The main conclusions we drew from our research were:

  • Offer unique program every time

  • Keep in mind the diversity of those you serve, diversifying your program accordingly

  • Collect data from those you serve about what they like/don't and use this to cater your program to them.

Thank you to all who helped us with the collection of data for this initiative! We hope that what we found will help to grow the Venturing Program within the Northeast Region, and the Nation.

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